For Press Secretaries

The staff of the Gallery serves as a liaison between Senate offices and news correspondents and works to keep broadcasters informed of Senate activities. Senate Gallery staff attend all Senate functions covered by the broadcast media and may be called upon for assistance or a list of those members of the broadcast media attending.

Electronic Bulletin Board (EBBS)

Studio appearances, notices of press conferences, stakeouts and photo opportunities will be placed on the electronic bulletin board, which is seen in all Congressional News Media Galleries. Call the Senate Radio-Television Gallery to post items.

Committee Coverage

The Gallery staff coordinates broadcast coverage of Senate committee hearings. Senate offices may check with the Gallery after 4:45 pm to learn which committees are being covered by the broadcast media the following day.

Out of Town Reporters

Congress requires that all broadcast reporters and technicians covering news events on Capitol Hill be accredited by the Radio-Television Correspondents Gallery. Gallery credentials must be displayed while working inside the Capitol complex or on the Capitol grounds. While not eligible for regular membership in the Galleries, reporters from your home state may get temporary credentials by contacting the Senate Gallery staff.

Designated News Event/Press Conference Locations

Next to the Radio-Television Gallery staff area, the Gallery studio is a multimedia room to which all Senate news galleries have access. The use of the studio is coordinated through the Senate Radio-Television Gallery to avoid scheduling conflicts. The Gallery staff posts scheduled appearances by Senators on the Gallery’s Electronic Bulletin Board System (EBBS). The information is displayed simultaneously in the other three Senate news galleries and the three House news galleries.

The main studio is available for news conferences under the following rules:

Only members of Congress may be interviewed or make statements in the studio.

A member of Congress must be invited to the studio by a member of any Congressional News Media Gallery. The Majority and Minority Leaders do not need invitations to appear in the studio.

Only members of Congress, press secretaries, and accredited journalists will be allowed in the studio during the news conference. No one else will be allowed in the studio, no exceptions. Any staff members accompanying their Senator to their press conference should stand along the Gallery’s south wall. Staff access may be restricted depending on available space.

Alternate Sites

Capitol Building and Capitol Visitors Center

Use of alternate sites such as the Capitol Building and the Capitol Visitors Center must be approved by the Sergeant-At-Arms or the Secretary of the Senate. Please get in touch with our office first to coordinate.

Senate Committee Rooms

To hold events in Senate committee rooms, please contact the committee directly. Senate rooms SR-325, SD-106, SH-216, and other rooms are under the control of the Senate Rules Committee. Please get in touch with them directly at x4-6352.

Outdoors/ “Senate Swamp”

Weather permitting, news conferences may be held at a location on the Capitol grounds established for this purpose. The “Swamp Site” – located on the grass across the drive from the east Senate steps – has a brick pad and power outlets. Contact the Senate Radio-Television Gallery to avoid conflicts in scheduling.